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Downtown Cedartown Association Members
A Segura Insurance Services
Bradford Drug Company, Inc
Burgess Insurance Company
Bush, David and Tammy
Bussey's Florist and Gifts
Cedar and Smoke Cigars
Cedar Valley Chops
Cedar Valley Container Corporation
Cedartown Performing Arts Center
Croker's Hardware
Development Authority of Polk County
Dingler Motor Company
FHF Hair Design
Gammon, McFall, and Villarreal, Attorneys at Law
GRIT, Polk County Silver Comet Trail Volunteers
​Holmes Clothing
Hummingbird Pointe Apartments
J&A Rental Properties
Kiela's Photo Lab
Live Wire Surplus
Main Street Realtors
Main Street Barber
McRae, Smith, Peek, Harman & Monroe, LLP
Murphy Harpst Children's Centers
Parker & Lundy, Atty’s at Law
Perfect Fit Alterations
Pirkle’s Deli
Polk County Historical Society & Museum
​Polk County Farm Bureau
​Polk County Government
Popham Eyecare
​Read, Martin and Slickman, CPAs